Net Promoter Score Dashboards
Do you measure Net Promoter Score? Are you planning to measure customer loyalty soon?
Sending out a survey is a great start, but having effective tools and processes in place to drive loyalty is equally important.
Scores are calculated as responses flow in
Dashboards are an important tool because customer sentiment is continuously available for the organisation to view. Everyone can get into the heads of customers and understand their feelings. When leaders, managers and customer-facing teams have insight what makes customers happy or mad, they can work proactively to make the best of each situation.
Dashboard software calculates NPS scores automatically. Every time a customer responds to the survey the NPS score is re-calculated and displayed on dashboards. This eliminates manual calculations and makes it feasable to track customer loyalty on an ongoing basis, instead of once or twice a year.
NPS Dashboard Example
Let’s assume you want to share Net Promoter Scores and build internal engagement around your NPS program. How could this look?
In the example above, there are several components to the solution.
First, the overall scores and distribution is presented in a clear and concise manner. There are several levels of detail and various types of graphs. Users can drill-down from he graph to see results on a more granular level.
Then there are a series of filters which enable users to compare and analyze data for different time periods, countries or categories. Perhaps customers in Norway for example, are twice as likely to be Promoters as those in Sweden? By doing analysis and finding relationships in the data, organizations can understand what customers want and adapt their strategies to fit.
Dashboards should be customised to fit each user role and objective. The CEO, for example, may see company-wide results and monitor quarter-on-quarter improvements. A person in an operational role might have a list of ‘Red’ flag cases, enabling them to reach out to Detractors within minutes from receiving feedback.
Are you ready to get started?
The first step is to connect your survey data to Business Analyze. Data may be gathered by email or forms through CRM systems like SuperOffice or other customer feedback tools.
Our experienced consultants will be happy to discuss your requirements and show you examples. Contact us or send an email to
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