Glunz and Jensen applies innovative data management and self-serve analytics to product sales
To best serve customers, Glunz & Jensen, the world’s leading supplier of innovative, high-quality solutions for the global prepress industry, has more than 7000 products and parts. At any given time, the company needs accurate and fast insight into product purchases, revenues and gross margins.
Information about global sales is stored in 4 ERP systems, including Microsoft Dynamics AX. Data is lifted up daily from the databases to the data warehouse and from the warehouse pulled into spreadsheets.
Spreadsheets contain large amounts of data and potentially more than 75 different views of product sales across businesses, countries, districts, customers, product type, item type and more.
- 7000 products and parts
- 4 separate systems with sales data
- >75 ways to view product sales
Like many organizations, the global management team uses input from sales analysis to make plans and decisions. With so much data, however, it was difficult to quickly get a view of the complete picture. Leaders needed to review up to 6 sub-levels of data to understand the top level results. Some people made their own analysis but this led to different views of the same figures.
The company looked for a new, faster way to group, analyze and present information to answer specific business questions.
From spreadsheets to a totally new way to access data
The IT team decided to pull data from the data warehouse and offer the organization self-serve analytics. Instead of spreadsheets, users see graphs, and charts on dashboards.
Picture: Self-serve analytics provide quick answers to specific questions – in all levels of detail.
Speedy, effective technique to analyze business activities
– Self-serve analytics give us a totally new way to access and use data. We now have a consistent, fast and readily usable way to analyze and present sales data across the entire business. Users see exactly what they want,» says Steen Tommy Rasmussen, Group IT manager.
– We also saw improvements in data quality because this way of looking at data makes it much easier to spot errors. That is a win all-round for us and customers.
With Business Analyze we have an intuitive tool to analyze our business activities, across data sources. We can easy make custom analyses, and it is easy to drill down in the data, all the way down to the invoice.» Henrik Blegvad Funk, CFO
Glunz and Jensen at a glance:
- World’s leading supplier of innovative, high-quality solutions for the global prepress industry
- Customers in the media and packaging industry including Agfa, Asahi, DuPont, Flint, Fujifilm, Heidelberg, Kodak and MacDermid
- Listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S
Our role: data structure, transformation, analytics and dashboards