What is the value of moving to the cloud?
Moving to the cloud may be part of your overall IT strategy, or it may be a simple cost/benefit calculation. Either way, this example helps you evaluate SuperOffice Analyze on-premise compared to cloud.
The following example is based on a company that currently has SuperOffice Analyze Pro and 5 users. The focus is the tangible costs and savings associated with moving to the cloud. Which of the intangible benefits would you also add?
On-premise considerations
In an on-premise scenario, your operating costs include salaries, hardware, and software associated with running your own servers. In this example we make a conservative estimate that IT uses 5 hours per month. Software estimates are based on current pricing for SQL Server.
The operating costs are added to maintenance and support agreements. Maintenance is based on 24% of license costs. This scenario also includes one software upgrade per year which is normal.
Cloud considerations
Business Analyze Cloud is delivered through a SaaS model. You can choose monthly, quarterly or yearly payments. This scenario is based on yearly payments.
Upgrades to the latest version of the software, including newly released functionality, are included with the SaaS subscription. You save costs associated with installing new versions, and don’t have to wait for bug fixes or enhancements that are included in new versions.
To ensure that we compare apples with apples, we have included a designer and developer license in the subscription. These licenses ensure you have the same level functionality as the ‘Pro’ version in an on-premise scenario.
Conclusion – Cloud is the winner!
Given this scenario, the figures show that you can achieve a savings of almost 2000 NOK per month by moving to Business Analyze Cloud – and this is only the ‘hard’ costs. Other potential gains such as improved customers support and access to expertise are not included.
Figures will vary case by case, but we clearly believe cloud services are the way of the future. “By 2020, a corporate ‘no-cloud’ policy will be as rare as a ‘no-Internet’ policy is today as applications move from low-risk to mission-critical, “says Gartner.
To get an exact quote based on your current set-up, please contact us directly or ask your SuperOffice Analyze representative.