Net Promoter Score Dashboards
Do you measure Net Promoter Score? Are you planning to measure customer loyalty soon?
Sending out a survey is a great start, but having effective tools and processes in place to drive loyalty is equally important.
Scores are calculated as data flows in
Dashboards help you get the most out of your efforts because they calculate net promoter score on an ongoing basis – and make customer feedback immediately visible for the organization.
As data flows in, it’s available for leaders, managers and customer-facing teams.
Dashboards replace manual scoring and data analysis, and they helps organizations build a customer-centric culture.
If NPS is one of several customer satisfaction metrics, it’s possible to group metrics on dashboards and analyze relationships between data.
Customer-facing teams receive instant survey feedback and can follow up in a organized and timely-manner.
Senior leaders and other stakeholders stay close to customers and can faster adapt strategies to increase growth or reduce churn.
Example dashboard
Let’s assume you want to share Net Promoter Scores and build internal engagement around your NPS program. How could this look?
In the report above, the key customer feedback is presented in a clear and concise manner.
There are several levels of detail and various types of graphs. Each component in a dashboard should be tailored to the needs of a specific person and role.
This dashboard includes a series of filters, which enable users to compare and analyze data for different groups or segments. By uncovering patterns in the data, organizations can better understand what customers want and adapt their strategies to fit.
Some organizations stream NPS scores and highight positive customer sentiment on office TV screens. Keeping customer needs top of mind amongst employees, may, in some cases, be just as important as increasing score by one or two percent.
If you connect NPS data to CRM data, there is usually more options for easier workflow and automation. You can use CRM data to answer questions like: ‘Which customer type is most likely to recommend our product?’ or ‘What sales channel gets the highest score?’ If you ask more questions, you can add these and dig deeper into what customers do or do not like.
Are you ready to get started?
The first step is to connect your survey data to Business Analyze. Data may be gathered by email or forms through CRM systems like SuperOffice or other customer feedback tools.
Our experienced consultants will be happy to discuss your requirements and show you examples. Contact us or send an email to
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