How to find forgotten customers – and grow sales

Sales results are driven by sales activities. That’s why successful sales teams set activity goals and measure activities  – and why activity reports are pre-defined in our analytics for SuperOffice.

Activity reports give insight into how many activities, like telephone calls, meeting booked, or offers are carried out, and how much value is created.  By analyzing activities, sales managers get detailed information they can act on and use to influence results.

You can compare different periods and see which activities the sales rep made that led to a difference in numbers,, and decide next activities to drive more business.

Which customers should we follow up?

Consider another scenario. Instead of asking “What activities are we doing?” why not ask “Which customers do NOT have activities?  What companies have we not been in touch with during the past 6 months? Where aren’t there any planned activities during the next 6 months?


Number of planned sales activities = Zero (0)

Number of completed sales activities = Zero (0)

By clearly identifying ‘Forgotten’ customers, you avoid losing customers and can put a more effective follow-up strategy in place. There is enormous opportunity to boost sales by reaching out and taking care of customers.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a list of ‘Forgotten customers – use Selections in SuperOffice or generate list automatically with Data Optimisation Dashboards
  2. Structure a process for sales to follow up  –   includes who, when and what activities
  3. Monitor the results – keep track of progress and share results with the team

Do you use SuperOffice CRM?

Get your own Forgotten customers report and optimse your use of SuperOffice data with Data Optimisation Dashboards.

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