Business Analyze Announces Enhanced Single-Sign On (SSO) for SuperOffice CRM

Good news for Business Analyze customers and everyone with SuperOffice CRM Online!

Our new enhanced support for Single-Sign On (SSO) means you can log into SuperOffice and instantly access Business Analyze advanced data analytics and reports, without having to remember separate passwords or login twice.

Single-Sign On provides a smoother user experience, enabling users to quickly access insights from CRM data and other data sources in one place.

This can include detailed lists, tables, graphs, key metrics and other reports to help you understand customers needs and act quickly on that information – even if data isn’t stored within SuperOffice.*

Business Analyze reports are accessed by clicking the ‘Analyze’ icon. They can also be placed in SuperOffice web panels. Embedded reports grab attention and support a more natural way of working.

We are proud to be the only business analytics platform to support this method of SuperOffice authentication.

*See Data Sources and Connectors

See also: How to add Business Analyze report to SuperOffice web panel.

How does it work?


Already using Business Analyze for SuperOffice CRM Online?

Your solution has been upgraded with enhanced single-sign on.

To embed reports in web panels, visit our user community or contact us.

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